As grim as things are with the pandemic raging in the US and the mounting death toll, there are many reasons to be optimistic there will be a vaccine by early next year.
Source: 9 reasons you can be optimistic that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be widely available in 2021
That is pretty encouraging.
Hello, that is a very interesting and cogent article, well-timed, Thank you, it will be wonderful if a fully safe, usable vaccine becomes available.
Well, I must admit to two concerns -OK – two problems. How do you see a new vaccine meeting all requirements, especially those relating to the effect(s) over time – 5 years, 10 years? The name Thalidomide springs to mind. IIRC, this vaccine was released much too early and the results were simply dreadful, So many were affected.
Are you in a position to reassure us that what is taking place right now will avoid any such horrors happening again ?
The other problem is I see many hopes being aroused by the media quite precipitately. I mean, the way some articles are structured and phrased are probably arousing also hopes of a “quick solution”. The financial rewards for the successful company or companies will be gargantuan. Are the safeguards genuinely reliable, so that no possibility, as far as is humanly possible to be certain, are a) in existence and b) good enough ?
In about 1984 the world was promised a vaccine for HIV and of course was greeted with great enthusiasm by the unfortunate people afflicted. No such vaccine exists yet (subject to correction, it would please me to be wrong)
Thanks for reading.
I’m in no position whatsoever. I’m simply reporting news stories I find online that I consider to be positive or hopeful.
Of course perfection doesn’t exist, but progress does.