NASA space images — of the Earth, of our Pacific Northwest, of the Milky Way — are available online, and you can make prints to hang on your wall. We’ll never be able to see Earth how the astronauts have. But those NASA photos, they sure give you pause.
I’m in that photo somewhere. Wherever you might live I’m certain that there are some stunning taken-from-space images of your home as well. I’ve always found them both fascinating and stunning. This one (taken Feb. 28, 2015, from the International Space Station) is particularly notable for its clear skies, and how easily you can make out the mountain ranges (Canada’s Pacific Ranges in the upper center, the Rockies to the right, and the Cascade Range up the middle.) See the full resolution (4928×3280) image here.
My favorite quote from the article is something we’ve all heard before, but it bears repeating:
“From space, the astronauts tell us, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide us become less important …”
Beautiful picture, but I’m sure the Flatearthers will tell us it’s faked.
That picture is pretty far from Seattle!
This is great and it’s good to be reminded once again that many boundaries are very artificial. In the sixties Stuart Brand campaigned to have NASA release pictures if the earth taken by satellite. One such picture eventually found its way on to the cover of his Whole Earth Catalog. A later photo Earthrise was on the cover of a later edition. of the WEC. Few pictures have influenced our thinking like those two have..
I can see my house from here !!