Tracy MacDonald hopes to spend the rest of her career in the classroom helping students like herself
Source: ‘She’s the perfect role model’: Single mom graduates high school 20 years later
It’s never too late. Nicely done.
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Tracy MacDonald hopes to spend the rest of her career in the classroom helping students like herself
Source: ‘She’s the perfect role model’: Single mom graduates high school 20 years later
It’s never too late. Nicely done.
by Leo
From her first job, at 11, cleaning a factory floor, Anne-Marie Newland has always worked – as a choreographer, as a drummer for Toyah and as a yoga teacher – while raising four children. Then, when Covid struck, her life took yet another turn
Source: A new start after 60: ‘I became a security guard at 66. Am I ever scared? No’
Cool story.
by Leo
Shreya and Saffron Patel started writing letters to seniors during COVID lockdowns. Now their Letters Against Isolation organization has grown to include 28,000 volunteers.
Source: A young spin on an old idea: Two teens tackled senior isolation with 460,000 handwritten letters
by Leo
Most OSC electrodes use indium tin oxide, which is too costly and fragile for the manufacture of flexible, large-area solar panels with OSCs.
Source: Innovation in Organic Solar Cells Promise Low-Cost, Bendable, and Efficient Panels
Very cool!
by Leo
The couple was getting married on an island in Boston Harbor, and the bride and groom faced a major hurdle with the clock ticking before the ceremony.
Source: Boston police help man who was in danger of missing own wedding
A memorable day for sure.
by Leo
“Some people don’t think girls can do things like that, and they’re wrong,” said Ainsley Muller, 11.
Source: This summer camp teaches girls to use a drill, weld metal and fix a sink
Great idea.
by Leo
Joint pain is a common ailment of aging, thanks to cartilage’s tendency to wear out. Now, researchers at Duke University have developed a new hydrogel that’s stronger and more durable than the real thing, which could make for longer lasting knee implants.
Source: Hydrogel that outperforms cartilage could be in human knees in 2023
I’m really looking forward to this one. 🙂
by Leo
Nonprofit RIP Medical Debt buys up unpaid hospital bills plaguing low-income patients and frees them from having to pay.
Source: This group’s wiped out $6.7 billion in medical debt, and it’s just getting started
Great solution to a frustrating problem.
by Leo
At 75, Dorothy Bowker felt compelled to set up a low-cost supermarket for her community. Now it is her turn to be treated
Source: The people making a difference: the food market pioneer taking on the cost of living crisis
by Leo
A proud New Jersey mother celebrated her daughter receiving a doctorate by purchasing space on a billboard in a busy area.
Source: N.J. mom rents billboard to congratulate doctor daughter
Proud mom, inspiring dauighter.