Yesterday’s post marked the completion of year four of Not All News Is Bad.
Honestly, I’m more than a little blown away. And humbled. I didn’t really expect this little endeavor to last this long. And yet here I am.
And what a four years it’s been, eh? If ever there was a period of time where we needed to be reminded that there’s some good stuff going on, it seems like this has been that time.
I really started Not All News is Bad (loving referred to as “NANIB” around here) as a project for myself. In the face of so much bad and negative news seemingly coming from all corners, I needed something to remind myself that there’s more going on than what traditional news and social media might lead me to believe.
I’m honored that you’ve come along for the ride.
I just want to say thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for being here.
Onward into year five!