Jayvaun Butler and Mason Moore are challenging people in Dayton to take part in the #DaytonChallenge. Nine days of kindness.
Source: Dayton Shooting: Boys start Dayton Challenge to inspire kindness
Examples for us all…
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Jayvaun Butler and Mason Moore are challenging people in Dayton to take part in the #DaytonChallenge. Nine days of kindness.
Source: Dayton Shooting: Boys start Dayton Challenge to inspire kindness
Examples for us all…
by Leo
“I finally have a real family,” said one of the brothers, Today reports
Source: Gay Dads Adopt 6 Siblings, Ages 7 to 14, After Foster Care | PEOPLE.com
by Leo
Michal Ann Watts has been farming her entire life. But over the past year, she’s watched a special friendship form that’s like nothing she’s seen before.
Source: Washington girl with autism shares special bond with rescued donkeys | kgw.com
A win for everyone.
by Leo
Firefighters in Indiana helped two raccoons safely escape a warehouse fire and it was all captured on video.
Source: Firefighters Set Up A Ladder To Help Raccoons Escape Warehouse Fire
Very cool…
by Leo
Kelli and Matt Cameron raised supplies for needy children at Booker T. Washington Elementary.
Source: Newlyweds asked guests to bring school supplies to their wedding in place of gifts
Neat idea, I hope it starts a trend.
by Leo
Neighbors say that to know Lamar Harris is to love him.
I love it!
by Leo
After decadeslong careers in landscape architecture and sculpture, centenarian finds art in words
Source: Sarah Yerkes published a book of poetry at 101 – The Washington Post
Fantastic. 🙂
by Leo
A new solar-powered system can take the salt out of ocean water. The technology can supply water for 25,000 people per day.
Source: Solar-powered device turns salt water into fresh drinking water – Business Insider
Fresh water access is, I’m convinced, is one of the most important problems to solve.
by Leo
“These are dogs that are elderly and/or terminally ill, who don’t deserve to die in a shelter. They need so little, and give so much love in return,” said the nonprofit’s founder
by Leo
The neighbors did three weeks worth of work in just six hours
Source: Farmers harvest wheat crop for neighbor battling stage 4 cancer – CBS News