Astronomers are excited by the discovery, which suggests that some of these exoplanets — planets around stars other than the sun — could support life and may be awash in oceans.
Source: 7 Earth-Size Planets Orbit Dwarf Star, NASA and European Astronomers Say – The New York Times
As you might expect, I find this kind of thing absolutely fascinating. That there might be Earth-like planets … well, that’s a given as far as I’m concerned. That there might be some this close (and yes, in the grand scheme of things, this is close) is pretty cool. But that there might be seven of them? Holy crap!
#notallnewsisbad – some of it is downright amazing.
This does not surprise me at all. Soon and very soon there will be an event that will remove all Christians from Planet Earth along the completely restored remains of those that have already died in during the past 2,000 plus years in a period of time that cannot be divided ( 0 seconds) where they will live in safety while God performs an extreme makeover planet Earth.