Turning messaging apps into something more tactile
Source: Inventive grandson builds Telegram messaging machine for 96-year-old grandmother
Pretty nifty idea.
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Turning messaging apps into something more tactile
Source: Inventive grandson builds Telegram messaging machine for 96-year-old grandmother
Pretty nifty idea.
by Leo
“SOS. My phone is going to die. I’m lost,” the hiker texted a friend, along with two photos.
Source: A hiker was lost and desperate. A stranger with an unusual hobby saved him.
Obscure hobby, but … wow!
by Leo
LIRR conductor Jonathan Yellowday found a plastic bag that contained $107,000 in jewelry that he found on a train that was heading to Port Washington.
Source: LIRR conductor returns $107K worth of engagement rings
Wow. Nicely done.
(LIRR: Long Island Rail Road)
by Leo
Big ups to this bowler in the sky: John Hinkle Jr. of Illinois bowled a perfect 300 using a bowl custom made with the ashes of his late father.
Source: Man fills bowling ball with father’s ashes — then rolls perfect game
Wow. Very touching.
by Leo
Forgotten species could future-proof coffee in a warming world
Source: Forgotten species could future-proof coffee in a warming world – France 24
Save the coffee!
by Leo
The restaurant’s co-owner said she learned the man was terminally ill and was living his last few months by paying it forward.
Source: Gatlinburg tourist surprises steakhouse staff with $1,000 tip
The circumstances may be a little sad, perhaps, but very, very touching.
by Leo
Researchers in Australia have created a new nanotech coating that can destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria and resistant fungal strains.
Source: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Destroyed by Nanotech Layer – MEDizzy Journal
Wow. I love this little quote: “including drug-resistant MRSA”.
by Leo
This new social supermarket is helping food insecure people in a new innovative way.
Source: Caring New Zealand Supermarket Provides Dignity and Self-Respect – Goodnet
Our local foodbank has a simlar model. It’s quite successful.
by Leo
A lost cat followed two hikers to the top of Mt. Britsen in Switzerland before eventually getting the help she need to reunite with her family
Source: Cat Lost on Swiss Mountain Follows Hikers to 10,000-Foot-Tall Summit for Company and Comfort
by Leo
In an effort to curb global warming, Purdue University engineers have created the whitest paint yet. Coating buildings with this paint may one day cool them off enough to reduce the need for air conditioning, the researchers say.
Source: The whitest paint is here – and it’s the coolest. Literally.