No sir we cannot accept that [–] we were doing what we were raised to do
Source: Servicemen Stop For Stranded Woman In Road, Had No Clue What’s Coming
Raised well, I’d say. 🙂
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
No sir we cannot accept that [–] we were doing what we were raised to do
Source: Servicemen Stop For Stranded Woman In Road, Had No Clue What’s Coming
Raised well, I’d say. 🙂
by Leo
The former island paradise of Bikini Atoll is slowing blooming back to life, 70 years after the United States dropped 23 nuclear bombs on it…
Personally, I find this amazingly encouraging….
by Leo
25 years after it disappeared, a long lost purse has resurfaced at the end of a boy’s fishing rod—and its owner was shocked to be reunited with it after an 11-year-old boy did the right thing.
As you probably know, I believe that the fact that he “did the right thing” is a more common reaction than most might believe. No, what impresses me is that a) most of the items were in good shape after all this time, and that b) he was able to find the original owner at all! 🙂
by Leo
Katie Newhouser regularly delivered packages to Leo’s former owner’s condo complex, which is how they first became friends
Source: UPS Driver Adopts Dog After Owner Dies
OK, yes, that the dog’s name is “Leo” appealed to me … but then so did the story. UPS and other delivery services often do so much more than deliver packages….
by Leo
“To see people from different races and genders come into action to help TOTAL strangers is absolutely amazing to see!! People who didn’t even know each other went HAND IN HAND IN A LINE, into the water to try and reach them. Pause and just IMAGINE that.”
And what feels like an ever divisive world, it’s wonderful to see people coming together — literally — to help one another.
by Leo
Cheer up: Despite the gloom, the world truly is becoming a better place.
Source: Good News, Despite What You’ve Heard – The New York Times
“Disease” and “eradicated” in the same sentence. Always a good thing.
by Leo
“You can do something small and minute and it means just as much as anything else,” Hightower said.
Source: Police Officer Buys Man New Bike Tires: ‘All We Have to Do is One Act of Kindness’ – MSN / Inside Edition
Another story of police making a positive difference in their community. Great stuff.
by Leo
Clean up expected to last through the week
Source: Volunteers help clean up storm damage at Camp Carpenter on opening day
Overwhelmed with volunteers. Nice. 🙂
by Leo
Endangered big cats – a mother and two cubs – frolic in front of the lens, before stopping the show by removing the memory card with paw.
Source: Wild tiger family pose for amazing selfies in front of forest camera trap
Some gorgeous photos. Leave it to the kids to break it, though. 🙂
by Leo
“There’s no standard operating procedure for this. This is simply an act of what hotshots do,” Casey said. “They’re a service-oriented people. … so they’re not going to walk by.”
Source: Video shows elite firefighters rescuing baby deer from an Arizona wildfire – The Washington Post
Reading the full story at the link, it even looks like the fawns were reunited with their mother. Nice.