A $10,000 donation let Maryland church members choose how to give.
Source: An anonymous donor gave everyone in church $100 — and 100 good deeds were the result
So many good quotes — and ideas — in this one.
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
A $10,000 donation let Maryland church members choose how to give.
Source: An anonymous donor gave everyone in church $100 — and 100 good deeds were the result
So many good quotes — and ideas — in this one.
by Leo
Eureka Police Chief Steve Watson spreads holiday cheer. | Ryan Burns Eureka Police Chief Steve Watson and Public Information Officer Brittany Powell were playing unofficial Santa
What a great idea.
by Leo
The bears were hand-sewn with love and kindness by one of his fellow DC police officers.
Source: Bears made with late officer’s uniform given to his twins
Very fitting. (Pictures of the bears included at the linked article.)
by Leo
A Melbourne charity plays Santa Claws, throwing a Christmas party to ensure disadvantaged pets have a happy howliday.
Source: Pets of the Homeless Christmas party helps animals doing it ruff
What a cool idea for the pets and owners alike.
by Leo
The customer left a note on the receipt saying he grew up dirt poor and that he hoped this would help the staff have a better Christmas.
Source: $3,000 Christmas tip left at Bellevue cafe
In a rare case of “coming out”, the customer explained his actions on the radio. Very cool.
by Leo
“He was about to pass out. So I had to do it immediately.”
Source: Boy Scout saves classmate’s life in the cafeteria
Well done!
(PS: I originally had this one scheduled for yesterday, but the timeliness of yesterday’s scout bumped it ahead. I love the serendipity of two scouting-related stories back-to-back, though.)
by Leo
Daniel Konzelman said he helped more than a dozen people escape the wrecked train cars, and then stayed to comfort victims who were pinned inside a train car that had flipped over.
Source: Eagle Scout rushed to help, comfort victims of Washington Amtrak crash
The worst in life brings out the best in people.
by Leo
If you’re feeling despair about the fate of humanity in the 21st century, you might want to reconsider.
Source: 99 Reasons 2017 Was A Great Year – Future Crunch – Medium
Or, as I might put it, 99 reasons Not All News Is Bad! 🙂 It’s an awesome list.
by Leo
DeLacy Bembry looked around at all the people at Big Apple Pizza in Fort Pierce Wednesday night and she shook her head in disbelief.
Source: Fundraiser held for support local family(*) – MSN
“This is Christmas,” she said. “You know what I’m saying? It’s not about the gifts. It’s this.”
(*) The source headline’s not mine – it’s from the original source, verbatim.
by Leo
It looks a bit like a yellow Christmas tree cruising down the road, but it’s really a Calgary school bus decked out in its holiday finest.
Source: Calgary school bus driver goes all out with holiday decorations for kids
I like it!