Source: Quebec grocery stores first in Canada to send unused produce to food banks |
Programs like this are actually more difficult that we might expect, mostly due to having to deal with quality and health issues. But the fact remains a tremendous amount of food is discarded, and these types of efforts can be win-win for everyone involved.
Wish someone knew how we could get this started in the US!!
So happy to hear that!
Perhaps they
meant unsold rather than unused.
Fruits and vegetables shared and not wasted is promising news!
It’s a catch22 situation.
One of the reasons that there is so much waste is that the agro-food system
keeps the prices of food so high, that those at the lower end of the pay scale
cant afford it.
It more or less goes like this.
If the price is to high, then they don’t buy it.
If they don’t buy it, then it spoils.
If it spoils, it goes to waste,
If it goes to waste, then the projected revenue is lost.
If the projected revenue is lost, then the system tries to recover the loss.
By turning the unsold produce to the food banks, the food would then
be inspected and the edible food would be given to people in need.
Thus the loss can be written off at the end of the fiscal year.
This would be a win for every one involved.