Jewish paramedic Avraham Mintz faces Jerusalem, his prayer shawl hanging off his shoulders. Muslim paramedic Zoher Abu Jama kneels facing Mecca, his prayer rug unfurled before him.
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Jewish paramedic Avraham Mintz faces Jerusalem, his prayer shawl hanging off his shoulders. Muslim paramedic Zoher Abu Jama kneels facing Mecca, his prayer rug unfurled before him.
by Leo
Envelopes marked ‘Secret Santa’ and delivered anonymously to homes in west Edmonton contained a poem championing hope in dark times and a $250 gift card for Walmart.
Source: Secret Santa delivers poems and $250 gift cards to hundreds of Edmonton homes
Neighbors helping neighbors.
by Leo
Shoppers would “come up and we’d say, ‘Your groceries are paid for,'” a manager at one of the Kroger supermarkets in Arkansas told local news.
I truly appreciate seeing those who have help those who haven’t. There’s more of this happening, I think, than we realize, and in many different forms. Large and small it all makes a difference.
by Leo
People looking for a bit of Christmas merriment in the Colombian capital might find it in an unexpected place: the front seat of a taxi, in the form of a costumed canine co-pilot.
Source: Colombian taxi driver and canine co-pilot spread Christmas cheer
by Leo
Immigrants naturalised for services during the pandemic include cleaners and shop workers.
Source: Covid: France rewards frontline immigrant workers with citizenship
Great idea.
by Leo
Hebrew Home has had a pet therapy program for 20 years; tiny Zeus and gentle giant Marley the Great Dane are the current snugglers in residence
Source: Dogs ease pandemic isolation for nursing home residents
Therapy pets can make such a difference.
by Leo
“He makes you feel like a friend when you see him,” one neighbor said of Anthony Gaskin.
Source: UPS driver brought to tears when hundreds of neighbors thank him for his work during the pandemic
A huge thank you to all the essential workers, like delivery folks, who’ve helped keep us somewhat connected during the pandemic. Love that this neighborhood came together to show their appreciation.
by Leo
A mama corgi named Angela has adopted four orphaned labrador puppies this week after the puppy’s mother passed away shortly after giving birth.
Source: Texas corgi adopts 4 orphaned Labrador puppies after she was rescued from puppy mill
Because Corgis, of course. (Photo above shows her Corgi pups, the source story includes video of her nursing the labs.)
by Leo
Employees at a restaurant in Ohio received a Christmas gift they didn’t see coming when a customer left a $5,600 tip for the entire staff to split.
Source: A customer at an Ohio restaurant left a $5,600 tip to split among the entire staff for Christmas
I know we can’t all be this generous, but it’s heartwarming to see local business get support of any amount through these difficult times.
by Leo
It has been a tough year, full of loss and hardship, social distancing and zoom calls. But doctors and nurses some are spreading holiday cheer with Christmas trees decorated with personal protective equipment.
Source: These doctors and nurses are celebrating the holiday season with Christmas trees adorned with PPE