Brody’s parents had never seen him connect with a stranger so quickly.
Source: Disney princess Snow White soothes boy with autism at Epcot
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Brody’s parents had never seen him connect with a stranger so quickly.
Source: Disney princess Snow White soothes boy with autism at Epcot
by Leo
New research reveals how positive thinking affects the body
Source: Optimists Live Longer – Elemental
Some interesting research.
by Leo
A first day of school picture is going viral, in a really good way. Two elementary school boys began the new school year with a lesson in kindness.
Source: Photo of 8-year-old Wichita boy helping classmate with autism goes viral
by Leo
This 45-ton dump truck is able to power itself solely by capturing energy from its brake system during its downhill journeys.
Pretty amazing…
by Leo
In Melbourne, there’s currently a glimmer of hope for homeless people needing to see a GP.
Neat idea. I hope it catches on elsewhere.
by Leo
A neighborhood came together to save a man’s life in Southeast Washington. A week later, he posted a thank-you note on a tree: “Forever Grateful, Joe.”
by Leo
“With the doll,” says Amy Jandrisevits, “a child sees, ‘I am not the only one who looks this way…and beautiful enough to be a doll.'”
Source: Wisconsin Mom Sews Unique Dolls for Kids Who ‘Need Something That Looks Like They Do’ |
What a caring idea.
by Leo
Zaria and Hailey Willard have been using social media to share their love of books with other children who may not be as fortunate.
Source: Two Teen Sisters Have Been Reading Bedtime Stories for Children on Facebook Live Every Night
Neat idea!
by Leo
After being reunited with his parents, the infant grew up to become a U.S. Marine Corps corporal. He attended FBI Special Agent Troy Sowers’ retirement ceremony on Friday.
Source: FBI Special Agent Reunited With Baby He Rescued : NPR
by Leo
A server at the Belle Vernon Eat ‘N Park is doing more than just taking orders, he’s spreading kindness.
Source: Belle Vernon Eat ‘N Park Server’s Act Of Kindness Goes Viral – CBS Pittsburgh
What a great example he’s setting.