Early Sunday morning, 16-year-old Corion Evans was at the right place at the right time with the right skills.
Source: Pascagoula teen saves 3 girls, officer after vehicle sinks in river
A Daily Antidote to Everything Else
by Leo
Early Sunday morning, 16-year-old Corion Evans was at the right place at the right time with the right skills.
Source: Pascagoula teen saves 3 girls, officer after vehicle sinks in river
by Leo
Over 16,000 newly discovered photos show the beauty and hardships of old Japan.
Source: Nephew receives SD card after his uncle passes away, finds treasure trove of gems from the past
by Leo
Bette Nash, 86, is the oldest and longest-serving flight attendant in the world, according to Guinness World Records
Source: 86-year-old woman is longest-serving flight attendant, Guinness says
by Leo
Rockledge woman meets brothers in surprise reunion
Source: Rockledge woman meets brothers for the first time
Very cool.
by Leo
A chance encounter on Facebook Marketplace reunited Renée Forrestall, 60, with a pair of roller skates she once cherished in her teens.
Source: Woman unknowingly buys roller skates she owned 40 years ago
by Leo
Yeast that is normally used in the brewing of beer can also be used to purify water of heavy metals, such as lead, in a cheap and environmentally friendly way.
Source: Beer yeast can purify water of heavy metals
Behold the power of beer! (Er … beer yeast, that is.)
by Leo
Vertex hope to market what would be the first FDA-approved CRISPR treatment in the U.S. by the end of the year,
So cool.
by Leo
CONKLIN, N.Y. (AP) — A missing golden retriever named Lilah, discovered deep inside a culvert pipe in upstate New York, could not be lured out by her owner with peanut butter dog treats or cheese. In the end, State Trooper Jimmy Rasaphone decided to crawl about 15 feet (5 meters) into the pipe under a rural road to rescue Lilah, despite the extremely tight fit.
Source: Trooper crawls into drainage pipe to rescue missing dog
Scary, but well done!
by Leo
Compounds from a Brazilian tree bark can now be used to treat acute myeloid leukaemia after a new technique that delivers it straight into the cancer cell.
Source: Scientists Turn Brazilian Tree Bark Into Promising Treatment for Leukaemia
by Leo
They’re all for keeps!
Source: The New York Public Library is giving away 500,000 books for free this summer
Great idea!